Diagnosis of municipal management in Chile: Evidence from the perception of key actors

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Ignacio Cienfuegos
Francesco Penaglia
Janel León


This research analyzes the quality management model aimed at improving the performance of local governments in Chile, an instrument promoted by the central government through the Undersecretary of Regional and Administrative Development (SUBDERE). For this study, a survey of primary information was carried out through interviews and focus groups with key informants. These participants included academics, experts, SUBDERE officials, municipal officials, and representatives of associations of municipalities. The information obtained was analyzed through the QDA ATLAS.ti software, using categories identified in the documentary review process and the primary review of the interviews and focus groups. Based on the data analyzed, we reviewed the specialized literature for elements that help to explain why a policy remains in force even though there is evidence that it does not contribute to improving the management and services of Chilean municipalities. In addition, we discussed the negative impact of this type of policy and the contradictory perceptions of both the beneficiaries and the many actors involved in the adoption and use of the quality management mode under analysis. Finally, we suggest public policy measures associated with implementing a comprehensive management system through collaborative and intergovernmental processes complemented with quality controls that optimize and modernize municipal management.


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Cienfuegos, I., Penaglia, F., & León, J. (2024). Diagnosis of municipal management in Chile: Evidence from the perception of key actors. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 58(1), e2022–0378. https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-761220220378


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