The published articles are the sole responsibility of their authors. The opinions stated therein don't necessarily express the Getulio Vargas Foundation's (FGV) viewpoint.

APC's Rate

RAP does not charge any publishing fee (Article Processing Charges - APC), submission, or publication rate of articles to the authors.

Editorial Policy

All articles submitted to the journal must be unpublished (national and international) and not currently under consideration for publishing elsewhere, except when the research was presented in scientific congresses, doctoral dissertations, master thesis, and preprints (e.g. SciELO PreprintsScienceOpen, and SSRN). For more information about RAP's Editorial Policy, click here.

Plagiarism Policy

RAP uses the similarity verification software of content - Plagiarism (Crossref Similarity Check) in all articles submitted to the journal.

Ethical Standards and Code of Conduct

The editorial process of RAP, from manuscript submission to publication decision, involves several parties. Thus, complying with the ethical standards applied by the journal at all stages of the editorial process is mandatory. For more information about the journal's Ethical Standards, click here.

Open Access Policy

This site uses Open Journal Systems, an open-source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the General Public License (GNU). For more information about the journal's Open Access Policy, click here.

Peer Review

All the articles submitted are initially read by the editor-in-chief and associate editors in a desk review, which will consider their relevance to the interest and scope of the journal. At this stage they will reject – without providing details – those articles that are not close to the theoretical and empirical frontiers of the broad public agenda or that do not respect the principles and basic orientations of responsible academic communication. At the next stage, two reviewers will be carried out under a double-blind review, and comments made on the article's suitability and possibilities for improvement. This stage could involve several re-evaluations to strengthen the arguments and contributions of the text. In cases where there is no consensus between reviewers, a third reviewer will be made. If the article is accepted for publication, RAP will make available, upon authorization, a Peer Review Report containing the comments and the identities of the reviewers. The RAP editorial flowchart is available here.

Availability of Data and Research Materials

RAP recommends that authors make data (Open Data) and research materials (Open Materials) available in data repositories (e.g. ZenodoMendeley Data, and Harvard Dataverse), contributing to the storage, access, and sharing of data. We also recommend citing and including the data used (your own or others) in the references. All articles published in the journal will contain a data availability statement (if the dataset relating to the research is available and where to access it).

Bilingual Publication

All the articles approved for publication in RAP must be translated into their final version by the author(s). The submissions can be written in Portuguese (with English translation); English (with Portuguese translation); and Spanish (with English translation). The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) will be assigned to the versions of the articles.

Number of Authors

The maximum number of authors per article is five; no alterations to authorship are permitted (inclusion or substitution) after desk review and double-blind review phases.

Number of Submissions

Each author may only submit two articles per year, independently of their position on the list of authors.

Submission of Manuscripts

All articles must be submitted through the submission system (ScholarOne Manuscripts) and must have the ORCID code of the author(s) and the authorship contribution based on CRediT criteria. The journal will not accept articles sent by other means.

The sections published in RAP

1. Original Article: national or international articles with an empirical-theoretical balance.

2. Calls For Papers: thematic sections with specific submissions. The Calls For Papers will be released previously by the journal and, when available, will appear here.

3. Invited Article: invited articles, notes, and comments on contemporary themes.

4. Forum: Practical Perspectives: manuscripts of practical interest, important from the point of view of the practical perspective of the public sector.

Form and presentation for "Forum: Practical Perspectives"

Maximum 4,000 words, including titles, abstracts, keywords in the three languages (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), illustrations (tables, boxes, graphs, and others), references, notes, appendices, and footnotes (avoid the use).

Abstract with a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 250 words (each language), titles with a maximum of 12 words (each language), and indication of 3 to 5 keywords (each language).

Footnotes: avoid using footnotes. Instead, it is recommended to include an extensive explanation in the body of the text.

Illustrations (figures, tables, boxes, graphs, maps, and others): their identification should be on top, preceded by the term designated (figure, table, box, graph, map, image, and others), followed by the number of occurrences in the text, in Arabic numerals, and the respective title. At the illustration bottom, indicate the source consulted (mandatory element, even if it’s by the author himself), legend, notes, and other information needed for its understanding (if any). The illustration should be cited in the text. The high quality of the illustration should be in high definition for viewing and reading as well as the font size used.

Line spacing: 1,5 pts.; font Times New Roman 12; margins: left and lower using 2,5 cm and right and upper using 3,0 cm; paper size A4 (29,7 x 21 cm).

RAP adopted the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) Style for citation and references.

 The author(s) must avoid direct or indirect identification at the beginning or throughout the paper.

Submitted the manuscript in Word file through the submission system (ScholarOne Manuscripts).

It is necessary to download, complete, and include in the submission the Open Science Compliance Form: through this form, the authors inform the journal about the conformity of the manuscript with Open Science communication practices.

Form and presentation for other articles

The manuscript should have between 6,000 and 8,000 words, including titles, abstracts, keywords in the three languages (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), illustrations (tables, boxes, graphs, and others), references, notes, appendices, and Footnotes (avoid the use).

Abstract with a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 250 words (each language), titles with a maximum of 12 words (each language), and indication of 3 to 5 keywords (each language).

Footnotes: avoid using footnotes. Instead, it is recommended to include an extensive explanation in the body of the text.

Illustrations (figures, tables, boxes, graphs, maps, and others): their identification should be on top, preceded by the term designated (figure, table, box, graph, map, image, and others), followed by the number of occurrences in the text, in Arabic numerals, and the respective title. At the illustration bottom, indicate the source consulted (mandatory element, even if it’s by the author himself), legend, notes, and other information needed for its understanding (if any). The illustration should be cited in the text. The high quality of the illustration should be in high definition for viewing and reading as well as the font size used.

Line spacing: 1,5 pts.; font Times New Roman 12; margins: left and lower using 2,5 cm and right and upper using 3,0 cm; paper size A4 (29,7 x 21 cm).

RAP adopted the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) Style for citation and references.

The author(s) must avoid direct or indirect identification at the beginning or throughout the paper.

Submitted the manuscript in Word file through the submission system (ScholarOne Manuscripts).

It is necessary to download, complete, and include in the submission the Open Science Compliance Form: through this form, the authors inform the journal about the conformity of the manuscript with Open Science communication practices.