Basic information

RAP accepts contributions of quality and academic rigor in the field of public administration and public policies, exploring their intersections with organizational theories, political science, economics, urban studies, and international relations. RAP's empirical locus is mainly Brazilian and Ibero-American context, but contributions from other countries are welcome. The editorial line follows the mission of the Getulio Vargas Foundation to extend the boundaries of knowledge in social sciences and related fields through the production and dissemination of ideas, data, and information, as well as their systematic organization and preservation; to contribute to the country's social and economic development, to the improvement of the nation's ethical standards, the promotion of responsible and shared government, and effective participation on the international stage.

Its formal bibliographical abbreviation for use in footnotes and other references is Rev. Adm. Pública.

Peer Review

All articles submitted to the journal must be unpublished (national and international) and not currently under consideration for publishing elsewhere, except when the research was presented in scientific congresses, doctoral dissertations, master thesis, and preprints. The journal follows the policy directives of the Commission for Integrity in Scientific Activity of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). All the articles submitted are initially read by the editor-in-chief and associate editors in a desk review, which will consider their relevance to the interest and scope of the journal. At this stage they will reject – without providing details – those articles that are not close to the theoretical and empirical frontiers of the broad public agenda or that do not respect the principles and basic orientations of responsible academic communication. At the next stage, two reviewers will be carried out under a double-blind review, and comments made on the article's suitability and possibilities for improvement. This stage could involve several re-evaluations to strengthen the arguments and contributions of the text. In cases where there is no consensus between reviewers, a third reviewer will be made. After being approved by the editorial board, the article is submitted for editing, where it undergoes spelling and grammatical review in addition to verification of APA's style (American Psychological Association). The final version is sent to the author(s) for their formal approval before being published, and no subsequent modifications are accepted. After this approval, the article goes to publication on the journal's portal and to the indexing databases.

Open Science Compliance

Seeking to respond to the Open Science guidelines promoted by the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), RAP aligns itself with Open Science practices, which are: making its content available in open access (Open Access); do not charge a publishing fee (Article Processing Charges - APC); accept the submission of articles that have been deposited as preprints in repositories (such as SciELO Preprints, ScienceOpen, and SSRN), this being a way of encouraging authors to anticipate the dissemination of previous versions of their work and thus contribute to the dissemination of research and peer collaborations; recommend that authors make data (Open Data) and research materials (Open Materials) available in data repositories (such as Zenodo, Mendeley Data, and Harvard Dataverse), contributing to the storage, access and sharing of data; identify the authorship contribution based on the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy); identify – upon authorization – the name of the editor-in-chief, deputy editor and reviewers responsible for the evaluation process in the published article (Open Peer Review); share opinions (Open Reports); publish in each edition – upon authorization – peer review reports (Peer Review Report) containing the identification and opinions of the reviewers; publish in a continuous flow (limited to six editions per year), aiming for agility in the publication of articles.