O Repositório FGV de Periódicos e Revistas hospeda todas as publicações periódicas produzidas pela FGV e oferece acesso livre ao conteúdo integral dos artigos nelas publicados.

To see the list from A to Z of the hosted journals, click on the corresponding letter:


  • Adiante

    Adiante é uma revista mensal de negócios e políticas públicas com foco em sustentabilidade e inovação. Iniciativa do Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade da Fundação Getulio Vargas FGV-ces- referência no estudo de questões que envolvem a sustentabilidade no contexto empresarial e de políticas públicas. A revista impressa nasceu em dezembro de 2005. Rebatizada de PÁGINA22 em setembro de 2006.

    Título Posterior: Página 22

  • Arquivos Brasileiros Psicotécnica

    ISOP's main goal is to contribute to the adjustament between worker and the professional environment, through the scientific study of one's aptitudes and vocations and the labor's psychophisiological requirements.

    ISOP's structure and primary activities are briefly described and illustrated through the following pages.

    The publication of Arquivos intend to convocate the researchers of  this field, the Psychotechnicians, our managers, employers of the public and private administration, who need adequate workforce, to launch a strong campaign for the increase of both national productivity and professional fulfillment,  through Selection and Professional Orientation.

    The journal was created in 1949 and its last issue was published in 1968.

    Following Titles: Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia Aplicada and Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia

  • The Brazilian Economy

    Founded in November 1947, Conjuntura Econômica is one of the oldest publications for expert economic analysis of both the Brazilian and international economies. Since February 2009, IBRE has published an English version of Conjuntura Econômica (The Brazilian Economy). Through this publication IBRE compares different periods of the economy, assessing both macroeconomic considerations and scenarios related to finance, administration, marketing, management, insurance, statistics, and price indices.

  • Bulletin of the Research Center of Administrative EBAP

    Started in 1964, Boletim's main goal is to promote information exchange about the institution's activities in Brazil, regarding the fields of Education, Research and Technical Assistance in Public Management. Afterwards, short papers began to be published, benefiting from the excellent acceptance by the scholars of the institutions and entities to whom this journal was intended.

    In 1966 was published the last issue ending the history of Boletim. We shouldn't regret it, because Boletim gave space to Revista de Administração Públicapublished by EBAP through its Management Reseach Center, that aims to study the problems of Public Management in Brazil.

    Following Title: RAP - Revista de Administração Pública

  • Brazilian Review of Econometrics

    The Brazilian Review of Econometrics (BRE) is the journal of the Brazilian Econometric Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria) and publishes original articles that apply rigorous thinking and quantitative methods to economic problems.

    BRE has published in all branches of economics, theoretical and empirical, abstract and applied, since 1981and has a long reputation as being the outlet for the most important articles in applied theory and econometrics from members of the Brazilian scientific community. BRE has gradually become more internationalized and currently publishes in English papers from scholars based around the globe and counts with referees that are worldwidely prominent researchers in their fields of specialization.

    Please, read the new Author Guidelines.

  • Cadernos EBAPE.BR

    Cadernos EBAPE.BR is an online journal focused on the area of administration, maintained by the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EBAPE). Formerly known as Cadernos EBAP, it was launched in 1980 and is currently published bimonthly.


    The journal aims to promote the debate of relevant topics in administration and its editorial line is based on interdisciplinary and critical perspectives. The target audience includes practitioners, professors, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students in administration and related areas in Brazil and abroad.

    Editorial Scope:

    Cadernos EBAPE.BR’s editorial line aims to create a free access platform for academic debate by publishing empirical research, theoretical essays, case studies, and bibliographic reviews. Published articles explore topics discussed in the field, privileging the debate and plurality of ontologies, epistemologies, methodologies, and theoretical approaches in organizational studies.

    The abbreviated title of the journal is Cad. EBAPE.BR and should be used in footnotes, references, and bibliographic elements.

    ISSN online 1679-3951

  • Forum Educacional

    Criada pelo IESAE em 1977, pretende-se que Forum Educacional constitua-se num veículo de divugação de estudos e pesquisas realizadas no setor educacional, aberto às diversas perspectivas e enfoques, por forma a assegurar a indispensável liberdade crítica e inovadora.
    Primordialmente, deverá divulgar os trabalhos realizados no próprio Instituto, sejam resultados de estudos e pesquisas, sejam conclusões de seminários ou produtos de estágios, sejam ainda documentos produzidos por professores e alunos, que venham a se constituir em textos básicos para os cursos promovidos.

    Título anterior: Curriculum


  • Finanças & Desenvolvimento

    Finanças e Desenvolvimento é uma publicação do Fundo Monetário Internacional e do Banco Internacional de Reconstrução e Desenvolvimento.

    A edição em português é traduzida do texto original em inglês e publicada em colaboração com a Fundação Getulio Vargas. Encerrada em 1998.

  • GVexecutivo

    Launched in August 2002 (under the name RAE-executivoGV-executivo is FGV-EAESP's management, strategy and culture review. Tailored to young managers, it focuses on administration practice, professional training, current affairs, EAESP academic services and the relationship with FGV internal and external communities.

    GV-executivo is a generalist review committed to disseminating knowledge of Administration. It seeks to contribute to the critical discussion of a wide spectrum of issues relevant for the corporate world, and to encourage the discussion and adoption of innovative management practices

    The public is formed by young managers, including professionals who are already in management positions and those preparing to enter the market, whether in undergraduate, graduate or specialization courses.

    GV-executivo is a customized review, and authors are normally invited to write about subjects related with the editorial line and the key topics of each issue. However, spontaneous submissions may be accepted and must be made through email to GV-executivo Editorial Staff.

  • Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management

    Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management (JOSCM) – an international journal, published by FGV´s School of Business Administration (EAESP) since 2008.

    We communicate the closing of activities and consequently the discontinuity of publishing JOSCM from it last edition in 2/2018. An associate editor at RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas (Journal of Business Management) will assume future submissions in Operations and Supply Chain Management field. We are grateful to all collaborators, associate editors, authors, reviewers and readers from this journal that was innovative to publish papers in English specialized in operations and supply chain management electronically since 2008. It attracted a public worldwide, even when most of the Brazilian academic publications in the Business and management area were still publishing in Portuguese. Additionally, the journal had an important role to promote Industrial Production and Operations Administration department (POI) and the annual SIMPOI conference. This mission is transferred to RAE that concentrates the scientific publications at FGV´s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (EAESP).

    We invite researches to submit manuscripts to RAE. The articles can be sent in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, complying with the format and standards defined in RAE Guidelines.

    To learn more, visit: http://rae.fgv.br/en/manual-rae/guidelines


  • Página 22

    PÁGINA22 é uma publicação voltada para os dilemas do século XXI e os desafios para que a humanidade caminhe em direção ao século XXII com uma visão do mundo como um sistema único - no qual os modelos econômicos só fazem sentido se promoverem o bem-estar social e a manutenção das condições naturais que garantem a vida na Terra.

    Fruto do casamento entre o Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade da Escola de Administração de Empresas da Fundação Getulio Vargas e jornalistas independentes, a revista impressa nasceu em dezembro de 2005, sob o título de ADIANTE. Rebatizada de PÁGINA22 em setembro de 2006, vem se consolidando como um fórum de debates aberto a todas as partes envolvidas e interessadas nas questões de inovação e sustentabilidade - e no legado que deixaremos para as futuras gerações.

    A versão impressa de PÁGINA22 circula mensalmente com 48 páginas, impressa em papel certificado pelo Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), com tiragem de cinco mil exemplares e distribuição nacional e gratuita.

  • Pontes

    PONTES é a versão em língua portuguesa e com conteúdo local dos periódicos BRIDGES, PASSERELLES e PUENTES. Esta publicação tem por fim reforçar a capacidade dos atores sociais na área de comércio internacional e desenvolvimento, com a disponibilização de informação e conhecimento para reflexão sobre os temas. É também um instrumento de comunicação que pretende influenciar todos aqueles envolvidos no processo de formação de posições políticas, da negociação ao processo de decisão.

    PONTES foi publicado pelo Centro Internacional para o Comércio e o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ICTSD), pelo Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais (CEBRI), e pela Escola de Direito de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-EDESP) até 2009. A partir deste ano, a FGV-EDESP se desvinculou do projeto e a revista seguiu pela ICTSD (https://www.ictsd.org/bridges-news/pontes/overview)

  • RAE - Revista de Administracao de Empresas

    RAE-Revista de Administracao de Empresas , published by FGV´s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration, was launched in 1961 and published uninterruptedly ever since.

    RAE is a pioneer, groundbreaking journal and it has increasingly become a reference in the academic/scientific environment, standing out for its high quality and its academic rigor and it publishes new articles reviewed through the double blind review system.

    Generalist review in Administration designed for professors, researchers and students, RAE makes available its complete collection to all academic-scientific community, with open access, at fgv.br/raeRAE does not charge any fees for submission and publication of articles (APC-Author Processing Charge).

    RAE is going to publish articles in continuous flow maintaining the bimonthly periodicity.

    RAE agrees and signs the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA):


    RAE adopts actions to combat plagiarism and bad ethical conduct in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

    RAE is member of ABEC - Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos

    RAE adopts the Creative Commons Attribution BY License  (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) for all works published, unless copyright owners define specific conditions.

  • Brazilian Journal of Transport

    The Brazilian Transport Journal (RBT – Revista Brasileira de Transportes) (ISSN 2764-3050) is a scientific journal linked to the FGV Transportes Studies and Research Centre, focused on transport, logistics and urban mobility at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV).

    This half-yearly electronic journal focuses on scientific papers aligned with the core purpose of the FGV Transportes Studies and Research Centre, serving as a channel for strategic thought in the transport, logistics and urban mobility sectors. Through this approach, it fosters the development of Brazil, helping public and private enterprises make decisions, and providing input for government authorities when drawing up public policies and action plans.

    Consequently, the FGV Transportes Studies and Research Centre strengthens its position in the business, public, private and academic fields through this journal, with the intention of contributing to cutting-edge critical discussions and the progress of technical and scientific issues, enhancing academic standards of practical value.

  • Revista Brasileira de Economia

    Editor-chefe:  Prof. Ricardo Cavalcanti
    Office 1104
    Secretária - Cristina Igreja
    Phone: +55 (21) 3799-5831

    The RBE is a generalist journal within the universe of academic economics publications. It publishes articles in various areas of economics. Any theme or methodology may be found within its pages, as long as they are at the frontier of their field of knowledge and possess the rigor and sophistication that have exemplified the publication from its very first issue.

  • Brazilian Review of Finance

    The Brazilian Review of Finance is the official publication of the Brazilian Society of Finance and aims at the progress and the dissemination of finance knowledge in Brazil through the publication of technical articles in all fields of research in finance and financial economics. The Brazilian Review of Finance is indexed by Econlit/JEL, RedALyC, Gale, Google Scholar, Portal Spell, and Fonte Academica, an electronic resource offered by EBSCO Publishing. The Review is listed in several directories, including DOAJ and Latindex. The Review is ranked A4 (Business) and A4 (Economics) by the Ministry of Education.



    The Brazilian Review of Finance now welcomes submissions of short papers. click here for more information
  • Brazilian Journal of Public Administration

    The Brazilian Journal of Public Administration (RAP) was launched in 1967 and has been published continuously since then by the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EBAPE). The journal is published in three languages (English, Portuguese, and Spanish) and it is the leading journal of public administration and public policies studies in Brazil. In recent years, RAP has attracted international academic contributions, especially from Ibero-American countries.

    RAP's mission is to publish high-quality contributions in the field of public administration and public policies, exploring their intersections with organizational theories, political science, economics, urban studies, and international relations. RAP's empirical locus is mainly Brazilian and Ibero-American context, but contributions from other countries are welcome. RAP counts on a broad academic and practitioner readership, and privileges contributions that bridge theory and practice.

    RAP is on its path toward internationalization and counts on an outstanding Brazilian and international editorial board, well-known for the relevance of the academic contribution in the field of public administration.

    Former Title: Bulletin of the Research Center of Administrative EBAP.



    Period of publication

    Copyright | SEER/OJS

    Catalographic card

    Index | Sponsors

    The publication receives funding from the following institutions:

    • Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)
    • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
    • Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Nível Superior (Capes)
  • Revista de Gestão dos Países de Língua Portuguesa

    Revista de Gestão dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (RGPLP), since 2019, its published by the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of the Getulio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

    The journal is published every four months and ensures a scientific approach and dissemination of the different areas of Management: Strategy, Marketing, Human Resources, Tourism, Logistics, Finance, Accounting, Information Systems, among other.

    With the participation of renowned national authors from the Community of Portuguese Language Countries and foreign authorss. The growing number of authors has contributed to this Review becoming increasingly a world reference in the Portuguese language, and an open space where the various universities and companies have the opportunity to publish their research or reflect their practices, either in their native language or in English or Spanish.

    Previously, the magazine was called Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão (RPBG), since 2002, based on the partnership between INDEG-ISCTE and FGV EBAPE, which, in turn, succeeded Revista Portuguesa de Gestão (RPG) launched in 1985 by ISCTE.

  • Administrative Law Review

    The Administrative Law Review (RDA) is produced by the Law School of the Fundação Getulio Vargas of Rio de Janeiro (FGV Direito Rio). Editing and distribution are carried out in partnership with FGV Publisher and Fórum Publisher. The journal is linked to the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Regulatory Law of FGV Direito Rio – PPGD. Thus, in addition to maintaining its traditional editorial line, aimed at disseminating ideas in the fields of public law and theory of law, also essential for a broad understanding of the regulatory phenomenon, the Journal brings articles specifically related to the Program's own research lines: Regulatory Governance, Institutions and Justice and Economics, Intervention and Regulatory Strategies.

    Since the Journal is linked to the PPGD, the RDA fundamentally intends to encourage production and disseminate studies aimed at the proper understanding of the different aspects behind the exercise of regulatory activities, as well as propose solutions to deal with the general and sectoral problems of regulation. In this context, the RDA publication agenda is not limited to the dissemination of works related to the functioning of regulated sectors, and the role of the government in the implementation of incentive mechanisms to guide the behavior of economic agents, in order to achieve the results desired while avoiding undesired results.

    The richness of the regulatory agenda also requires addressing a variety of issues and problems that also inspire the Journal's editorial line, such as those concerning (i) the role of the state in the economy, (ii) the constitutional programs and limits that affect and should influence the performance of state activities, (iii) regulatory decision-making and interpretation of rules, (iv) control of regulatory activity, (v) current institutional arrangements and alternatives to the regulatory model, (vi) understanding the various forms of dialogue between law and the economy, (vii) the relationship between regulatory incentives and the performance of business activities, (viii) the various forms of interaction between regulatory bodies and other powers, (ix) the structure of the norms that concretize regulatory choices, (x) the political dimension of regulation and the democratic legitimacy of regulatory action, (xi) the epistemic aspects underlying regulatory choices and the development of theories about the intensity of the control of these choices, (xii) the governance structures that favor the responsiveness of regulatory and regulated agents and (xiii) the criminal and tax aspects of regulation.

    The RDA has been continuously edited since 1945. Currently, it is published quarterly and it still brings decisions of the various Brazilian legal institutions, with noteworthy contributions, both from the national and international scope. The six main guidelines of the RDA are listed below:

    • The pluralism of ideas, experiences, doctrines, opinions, theories, precedents and arguments;
    • Fostering innovation, the originality of legal thinking, especially that based on the reality of Brazilian law;
    • An increasingly relevant reality: the growing interaction between law, the economy, culture and politics;
    • RDA's opening to the new fields of legal knowledge, which are already outlined as indispensable to the law practitioner and crucial for the academic reflection in the early 21st century;
    • The RDA's commitment to strengthening democracy, that is, to the consolidation of the Democratic State; and
    • The commitment to the Rule of Law.

    Mission: Conduct the main and current discussions on the various aspects underlying the regulatory phenomenon and, from a broader perspective, on public law and the theory of law in Brazil, in an interdisciplinary and empirical manner, with a high quality standard.

    ISSN: 0034-8007 | EISSN: 2238-5177

    The Administrative Law Review is licensed under the Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND).

  • Revista do Programa de Direito da União Europeia

    A Revista do Programa de Direito da União Europeia constitui uma publicação semestral dos trabalhos de conclusão de curso selecionados por sua excelência entre os apresentados pelos alunos que cursaram o Módulo Europeu do Programa Jean Monnet de Direito da União Europeia da FGV Direito Rio.

    Todos os tópicos abordados demonstram que a Revista do Programa de Direito da União Europeia vem contribuir para o estudo do Direito da União Europeia no Brasil, favorecendo a difusão e pesquisa de temas relevantes e atuais cuja importância afigura-se crescente.

  • Revista Direito GV

    Revista Direito GV is an academic publication from the Fundação Getulio Vargas Sao Paulo Law School (FGV DIREITO SP) in an online format, with open access (online version ISSN 2317-6172) and which adopts the rolling publicationsystem with annual periodicity.

    Revista Direito GV is maintained by the Fundação Getulio Vargas Sao Paulo Law School (FGV DIREITO SP). The journal is funded with resources from this same institution, whose aim is to provide free and available access to all of its academic-scientific content.


    Focus and scope

    Revista Direito GV publishes articles of law or interdisciplinary approach, which result from empirical and theoretical research in dialogue with the fields of research in law and development, law and society, and law and economics. Its mission is to disseminate research results that adopt a perspective of reflection on law “in context” and a concept of development that goes beyond the idea of economic growth, incorporating the promotion of fundamental freedoms and rights, the consolidation of democracy, the overcoming of the colonial past and inequalities, and the fight against various forms of oppression, such as race, gender and sexual orientation. The articles can address law both from the description, observation, analysis, diagnosis, criticism and proposal of solutions for the functioning of legal institutions and through doctrinal reflections open to the social context and attentive to the sociopolitical and economic disputes that occur through the grammar of law.

    Articles must be unpublished (national or internationally) and original. By unpublished we understand as articles not published in any other printed or digital medium in Portuguese or in a foreign language. By originals, we understand the texts that innovate within the field of research in which they are inserted. At the discretion of the Editorial Board, the journal may publish non-unpublished articles of exceptional academic value.

    Within its thematic scope, the journal also publishes original reviews of books published in the last two years and translations of texts by foreign authors whose diffusion is fundamental for the development of Brazilian academic research.

    Articles and reviews can be submitted in Portuguese, English and Spanish. In order to facilitate the international dissemination of the papers, the submission of articles in English is encouraged, regardless of the nationality of the authors. The translations will be published only in Portuguese.

    Manuscripts submitted may not be under evaluation in another journal.



    Revista Direito GV receives articles, reviews and translations in continuous flow.

    No submission, evaluation or publication fees are charged.

    All submissions must be made through the ScholarOne Manuscripts online system, available on: https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/rdgv-scielo.

    Submissions by email or any other means will not be accepted.

    If you have any questions about online submission, please contact us by email on revistadireitogv@fgv.br.


    Revista Direito GV at SciELO and at FGV DIREITO SP website

    The texts published by Revista Direito GV are also available at SciELO and at FGV DIREITO SP website.

  • Revista FGV Online

    A Revista FGV Online é uma publicação eletrônica semestral, criada sob a tutela do Programa FGV Online, parte integrante do Instituto de Desenvolvimento Educacional - IDE -, responsável por cursos desenvolvidos em parceria com as Escolas da Fundação Getulio Vargas.

    Trata-se de uma publicação voltada para temas relacionados à educação em geral e, mais especificamente, à educação a distância.

    Com a missão de divulgar o conhecimento que vem sendo gerado no ambiente global da educação a distância, a Revista FGV Online abre espaço para publicação de trabalhos acadêmico-científicos a autores e especialistas na área.

  • Revista Estudos Históricos

    Estudos Históricos is a quarterly journal which has a specific theme each issue. Its aim is to publish new papers with an interdisciplinary historical perspective and profile, by researchers from the Brazilian and international academic community from the areas of History, Social Science, and other related fields. Linked to the Post-Graduate Program in History, Politics, and Cultural Goods (PPHPBC) of CPDOC/FGV, the journal is classified as A1 in Qualis Capes in the interdisciplinary and history areas.

    The forthcoming themes have already been scheduled: "Visual Culture"; "Pandemic times"; and "Oral History"

    How to submit?

    ISSN (online version): 2178-1494

  • FGV RIC Revista de Iniciação Científica

    A FGV RIC Revista de Iniciação Científica é uma publicação anual dos relatórios elaborados por alunos bolsistas de iniciação científica, e apresentados no “Seminário de Iniciação Científica – Dia da Pesquisa”, organizado pelo departamento FGV EAESP Pesquisa e Publicações.

    O Programa de Iniciação à Pesquisa (PIP) destina-se aos alunos de graduação da FGV interessados em seguir carreira acadêmica ou em incorporar conhecimentos mais profundos sobre investigação científica às suas futuras atividades profissionais.


  • Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão

    Em 2002, a Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão (RPBG), sucedeu à Revista Portuguesa de Gestão (RPG), lançada em 1985 pelo ISCTE.

    A Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão (RPBG), foi editada pelo Instituto para o Desenvolvimento da Gestão Empresarial (INDEG/ISCTE), em Lisboa, Portugal, em parceria com a Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EBAPE), do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

    Foi uma publicação com periodicidade trimestral assegurando uma abordagem científica e de divulgação das diferentes áreas da Gestão: Estratégia, Marketing, Recursos Humanos, Turismo, Logística, Finanças, Contabilidade, Sistemas de Informação, entre outras.

    Título posteriorRevista de Gestão dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (RGPLP).

  • Iberian-American Journal of Legislatives Studies

     The Ibero-American Journal of Legislative Studies – RIEL was launched to be a vehicle for academic dialogue at the service of the community of researchers interested in Legislative Studies in Latin America. The idea of a collaborative network transformed the processes to edit and publish the journal as a shared responsibility between partner institutions. So far, RIEL has issued four volumes in the years of 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2015.

    The Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) was in charge of editing and publishing RIEL in the issues of 2012, 2014 and 2015.

    We would like to inform that from 2018 onwards the journal will be hosted at the Institute of Social and Political Studies (IESP) of the State University of Rio de Janeiro.

    Read about in Letter to the reader

  • Revista Jurídica Profissional

    A Revista Jurídica Profissional foi idealizada pelo Mestrado Profissional da FGV Direito SP, que será responsável por sua curadoria. Trata-se de um veículo para disseminação de conhecimento jurídico aplicado, com ênfase em boas práticas e inovação, a partir da abordagem crítica de temas, questões e problemas de interesse dos profissionais do Direito.

    A revista terá formato eletrônico e periodicidade semestral. Serão publicados artigos inéditos com extensão média de 10 laudas.

    Para produção do conteúdo, espera-se contar com a colaboração de profissionais e acadêmicos de destaque em suas áreas de atuação. A participação poderá ser mediante convite ou submissão de artigos ao conselho editorial, que fará a seleção conforme a qualidade acadêmica, atualidade, relevância e potencial de impacto.