A contribution to the democratic reform of the state project

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Frederico Lustosa da Costa


The progressive critique of state reform of the 1990s seems content with merely pointing out the political, theoretical, technical and operational frailties of the predominant model. This critique also fails to construct an alternative that is at once politically seductive (a utopia), theoretically consistent and capable of presenting repertoire of feasible measures. The proposals are mostly limited to certain points and are fragmented, focusing mainly on normative dimensions of democracy, participation, and social inclusion. The lack of creativity in the progressive field prompts mainstream claims that there is no alternative to the managerialist paradigm. This article provides a brief overview of some of the progressive approaches in order to outline at least partially the framework of an alternative model. This contribution is presented as theoretical assumptions and broader interpretations of the state crisis, as well as the analysis of institutional transformation processes, organizational transformation and the adoption of new practices in public administration. This set of proposed ideas and experiences oriented towards the reinvention of the state is called here the democratic reform of the state.


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How to Cite
Costa, F. L. da. (2010). A contribution to the democratic reform of the state project. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 44(2), 239 a 270. Retrieved from https://periodicos.fgv.br/rap/article/view/6924

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