Dimensions of the use of information technology: a diagnostics and analysis instrument

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Alberto Luiz Albertin
Rosa Maria de Moura Albertin


Information Technology (IT) has been regarded as one of the most important elements in today’s business environment, offering great opportunities for firms that successfully exploit its benefits for firm performance. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the dimensions of the use of IT as an instrument to assess the necessary consistency among them and thereby increase the odds of success. The chosen methodology is a case study with a firm that is a leader in its industry, makes significant investment in IT and began using the instrument to evaluate and track the use of this technology. The main result is the consolidation of the instrument to assess and collect inputs for successful management of the use of IT. The paper’s contribution lies in the identification of the dimensions do use of IT, the relationship between them, and their application to the management of the use of this technology.


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How to Cite
Albertin, A. L., & Albertin, R. M. de M. (2012). Dimensions of the use of information technology: a diagnostics and analysis instrument. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 46(1), 125 a 151. Retrieved from https://periodicos.fgv.br/rap/article/view/7078