Managerial capability and political ability of the entrepreneurs of Belo Horizonte's bus transportation system: myth or reality?

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Vera L. Cançado
Moema Miranda de Siqueira
Fernanda Sue Watanabe
Marcus Vinicius G. da Cruz


Belo Horizonte's bus transportation system shows some differences from . other Brazilians systems, such as the higher number of companies and the preponderance of medium size enterprises. This paper discusses the evolution process of Belo Horizonte's bus companies, focusing on the difference
in relation to the national concentration pattem, on the development of the entrepreneurs' managerial capacity and political ability, and on the regulatory public agency's role on this processo This discussion is based on the political aspect of the organizations, privileging the labor and power relations
approach. The paper concludes that Belo Horizonte's entrepreneurs had an outstanding performance in the creation and development of their companies, in the diversification and geographical expansion of their business, and as political and organizationalleaders. Primarily, they had to get organized to deal with the public administration's demands, and this has
levered and standardized their business management procedures.


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How to Cite
Cançado, V. L., Siqueira, M. M. de, Watanabe, F. S., & Cruz, M. V. G. da. (1998). Managerial capability and political ability of the entrepreneurs of Belo Horizonte’s bus transportation system: myth or reality?. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 32(3), 209 a 235. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Vera L. Cançado