From the DCT to the ECT - the redemption at the turn of the 70s

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Sylvia Constant Vergara
Celso de Oliveira Belto Cavalcanti


The Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos (ECl) the postal service covering the whole of the Brazilian territory, enjoys the highest credibility in the eyes ofthe Brazilian public and is one of the best enterprises in perfomance. Historically, in Brazil, the public sector has been considered unproductive, but contrarywise the ECT is outstanding as a symbol of productivity, quality and success, and this circumstance has generated curiosity as to the way such success was made possible. We started from the premise that success is not a product; then, it would be apposite to investigate its beginnings. Also, it was admitted that the good results manifested themselves in the 70's, when the old Departmento de Correios e Telégrafos (DCl) was transformed  into the successful ECT. That was considered the turning point in the life of the organization and from there the article was delimited.


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How to Cite
Vergara, S. C., & Cavalcanti, C. de O. B. (1995). From the DCT to the ECT - the redemption at the turn of the 70s. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 29(1), 88 a 100. Retrieved from

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