Gender gap in Brazilian states and stakeholder analysis of the National Council for Women’s Rights

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Gabriel Oliveira Loiola Benigno
Diego Mota Vieira
Jessica Eloísa de Oliveira


This paper aims to analyze the gender gap in Brazilian states and the actions of stakeholders of the National Council for Women’s Rights (NCWR). Two research was conducted in two steps. In the first step, a gender gap index in Brazilian states was calculated based on the Global Gender Gap Report (GGGR) methodology, prepared by the World Economic Forum. In the second, the NCWR stakeholders were mapped, and their performance was analyzed, considering the gender gap indexes obtained in the first step and the theoretical framework supported by stakeholder analysis models. The political and economic dimensions presented the worst performance. The Brazilian states with the best general indexes were Amapá, Distrito Federal, and Maranhão, and the worst were Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, and Paraná. On the other hand, NCWR stakeholders acting in public policies related to the economic and political dimensions do not seem to have great relevance and influence capacity. Evidence indicates a concentration of policy efforts in areas where the country has good GGGR indicators (health and education).


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Benigno, G. O. L., Vieira, D. M., & Oliveira, J. E. de. (2021). Gender gap in Brazilian states and stakeholder analysis of the National Council for Women’s Rights. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 55(2), 483–501.


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