Stakeholders, critical success factors, and value creation in public-private partnerships

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David Curtinaz Menezes
Diego Mota Vieira


This study analyzes the role of stakeholders in the value creation in public-private partnerships in Brazil, considering their motivations and the critical factors that determine the success of this type of collaboration. We analyzed partnerships between federal, state, and local governments through content analysis of documents and interviews with representatives of the public and private sectors involved in such partnerships. Stakeholders identification was conducted through the simultaneous use of models that allow demonstrating the multiple roles played by the actors, i.e. the role in public policies formulation and implementation (R. C. Gomes et al., 2010), their potential for threat or cooperation (Savage et al., 1991), and salience degree (Mitchell et al., 1997). In addition, the most recurrent critical success factors, value elements, and determining factors for cooperation in such partnerships were identified. Furthermore, an analytical model is proposed to identify such elements so that decision-makers can devise a strategy to deal with them.


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Menezes, D. C., & Vieira, D. M. (2022). Stakeholders, critical success factors, and value creation in public-private partnerships. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 56(1), 47–79.


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