Quality of life, quality of work, quality of conditions of public attendance and competitiveness

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Rossi Augusta Alves Corrêa


This article presents ideas and arguments about the ecological movement (quality of life) now reaching Latin America. It draws attention to the necessity of a clear and judicious definition of public policies to be discussed, supported and adopted. The deprivation of social and individual rights through the loss of the right to work; the difficulties in the obtention of goods and services guaranteeing minimal needs for survival; the depreciation and vilification of the individual vis-à-vis an exaggerated valorization of all other dimensions of the quality of life in society represent, nowadays, a threat to the organization of social order and to human equilibrium. The establishment of systems imbued With ideas for defending citizenship, for freedom to organize and participate in the defense of the environment directly and indirectly affecting the life of the communities, the guarantee of conditions capable of possibilitating men to produce better food, to build their homes, to develop their potentialities and aptitudes and, above all, allowing for valorization and development of managerial capacities aiming at the Third World problems - all that is considered, among others, as some of the issues to be valued, if we want to pass from our degrading developmental stage and reach the civilized phase characteristic of the countries of the First Word.


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How to Cite
Corrêa, R. A. A. (1993). Quality of life, quality of work, quality of conditions of public attendance and competitiveness. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 27(1), 113 a 123. Retrieved from https://periodicos.fgv.br/rap/article/view/8707