The regulatory agencies’ and executive agencies’ condition as special autarchies and the expectations in relation to the quality of their management

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Ivan Antônio Pinheiro
Paulo Cesar Delayti Motta


Presented as a critical and analytical essay, and supported by the pertinent literature, this paper brings forth to the debate the following question: Do the regulatory agencies (RAs) have the necessary independence and autonomy to fully exercise their activities? A tentative answer comes from the analysis and discussion of their design elements (their juridical nature, the
designation of their directors, the budgetary situation, and the management contracts), which the authors believe establish their condition as “autarchies under special regime” that identifies the existing RAs acting at the national level. The paper demonstrates that there are multiple designs under the generic caption “autarchies under special regime”, thus making it impossible to infer about the RAs’ efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness, be it regarding the quality of their internal management, be it in relation to the external actions of these entities.


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How to Cite
Pinheiro, I. A., & Motta, P. C. D. (2002). The regulatory agencies’ and executive agencies’ condition as special autarchies and the expectations in relation to the quality of their management. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 36(3), 459 a 484. Retrieved from