Environmental impact assessment in the state of São Paulo

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José Carlos Barbieri


The purpose of this paper is to present the main aspects of the state of São Paulo legislation conceming environmental impact assessment and the respective report and to call anention to some new alterations that mean considerable progress in order to make flexible the utilization of this important instrument of environmental policy. These changes permit to simplify the procedure for evaluating environrnental impact for small and medium projects and simultaneously avoid making it banal. Furthermore, these changes reaffirm the importance of the involvement of community groups and non-govemmental organizations in this procedure. Finally, this article brings a brief guide to help elaborate the preliminary environmental report, the first step in the new procedure, according to the state of São Paulo legislation.


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How to Cite
Barbieri, J. C. (1996). Environmental impact assessment in the state of São Paulo. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 30(2), 152 a 166. Retrieved from https://periodicos.fgv.br/rap/article/view/8101