Building up the ECT success: the period of growth from 1974 to 1984

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Sylvia Constant Vergara
Celso de Oliveira Bello Cavalcanti


This article intends to give distinction to the significant moments of the period from 1974 to 1984, that coincides with the stage of implementation of the projects prepared during the first four years of existence of the ECT, thus characterizing its growth. The study was structured in four different items. The first one deals with the problem of administrative continuity in the management of ECT activities; the second endeavours to demonstrate that better services were a way to reach the enterprise's credibility, a fundamental component in the question of improving; the third presents major services and products offered to the general public thanks to the enterprise enjoying of administrative continuity and public recognizance of its reliability: the fourth part forwards some conclusions and signals as to the contents of lhe third and last article completing the series.


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How to Cite
Vergara, S. C., & Cavalcanti, C. de O. B. (1995). Building up the ECT success: the period of growth from 1974 to 1984. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 29(3), 87 a 110. Retrieved from

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