Performing the history of public policy in the light of ANTi-History

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Mariana Maia Bezerra
Ana Silvia Rocha Ipiranga


This study is based on constructs of the ANTi-History approach. It aims to (re)assemble the multiple historical versions that performed in time and space in the artistic organization of Salão de Abril, an art exhibition in the municipality of Fortaleza, Brazil. Salão de Abril is currently one of the main local public policies for arts, with more than 70 years of existence. The historical methodology was based on the collection of documents and the compilation of the research archive. In the analysis of historiographical writing, the study identified four historical passages showing associations of different actors in a network. The political character of the exhibition’s organization was emphasized when presenting alternatives for the versions of a past that reverberate, today, in the relations with the spaces of the city and in the public policies mechanisms.


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Bezerra, M. M., & Ipiranga, A. S. R. (2021). Performing the history of public policy in the light of ANTi-History. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 55(3), 679–696.


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