The image of the client and the public server: prospects for improving it

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Rossi Augusta Alves Corrêa


The contrasts and similarities between the client-public servant images are here approached from a new methodological perspective. The Symmetry Continuum Model is a pictorial device which makes it possible to visualize the overall image of the schismogenesis phenomenon in any social, organizational and individual differentiation process. It is also possible to use the SCM to detect image changes, or organizational problems, increasing entropy, and positive and negative feedback.

This study is based on 468 questionnaires. Group one was composed of 198 employees at the clerical level. Group two was composed of 270 clients being served by Group one.


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How to Cite
Corrêa, R. A. A. (1984). The image of the client and the public server: prospects for improving it. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 18(3), 18 a 47. Retrieved from