Towards an agribusiness without exclusion

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Sergio Rozenbaum
Sergio Proença Leitão


Ever since the creation of groups of unemployed rural workers, as a result of the industrialization of rural areas, governments have been allocating resources for the disappropriation of lands for agrarian reform, without considering the need for an adequate infrastructure and mainly the means for providing the citizens who lived in those lands with a standard quality of living. This article suggests a change in the Brazilian agroindustrial policy to offer rural jobs, taking advan- tage of the exporting nature of the agriculture business. The experience of other countries with social issues is taken into account.


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How to Cite
Rozenbaum, S., & Leitão, S. P. (2006). Towards an agribusiness without exclusion. Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, 40(2), 289 a 314. Retrieved from

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