About the Journal

Revista Direito GV is an academic publication from the Fundação Getulio Vargas Sao Paulo Law School (FGV DIREITO SP) in an online format, with open access (online version ISSN 2317-6172) and which adopts the rolling publicationsystem with annual periodicity.

Revista Direito GV is maintained by the Fundação Getulio Vargas Sao Paulo Law School (FGV DIREITO SP). The journal is funded with resources from this same institution, whose aim is to provide free and available access to all of its academic-scientific content.


Focus and scope

Revista Direito GV publishes articles of law or interdisciplinary approach, which result from empirical and theoretical research in dialogue with the fields of research in law and development, law and society, and law and economics. Its mission is to disseminate research results that adopt a perspective of reflection on law “in context” and a concept of development that goes beyond the idea of economic growth, incorporating the promotion of fundamental freedoms and rights, the consolidation of democracy, the overcoming of the colonial past and inequalities, and the fight against various forms of oppression, such as race, gender and sexual orientation. The articles can address law both from the description, observation, analysis, diagnosis, criticism and proposal of solutions for the functioning of legal institutions and through doctrinal reflections open to the social context and attentive to the sociopolitical and economic disputes that occur through the grammar of law.

Articles must be unpublished (national or internationally) and original. By unpublished we understand as articles not published in any other printed or digital medium in Portuguese or in a foreign language. By originals, we understand the texts that innovate within the field of research in which they are inserted. At the discretion of the Editorial Board, the journal may publish non-unpublished articles of exceptional academic value.

Within its thematic scope, the journal also publishes original reviews of books published in the last two years and translations of texts by foreign authors whose diffusion is fundamental for the development of Brazilian academic research.

Articles and reviews can be submitted in Portuguese, English and Spanish. In order to facilitate the international dissemination of the papers, the submission of articles in English is encouraged, regardless of the nationality of the authors. The translations will be published only in Portuguese.

Manuscripts submitted may not be under evaluation in another journal.



Revista Direito GV receives articles, reviews and translations in continuous flow.

No submission, evaluation or publication fees are charged.

All submissions must be made through the ScholarOne Manuscripts online system, available on: https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/rdgv-scielo.

Submissions by email or any other means will not be accepted.

If you have any questions about online submission, please contact us by email on revistadireitogv@fgv.br.


Revista Direito GV at SciELO and at FGV DIREITO SP website

The texts published by Revista Direito GV are also available at SciELO and at FGV DIREITO SP website.

Current Issue

Vol. 20 (2024)
					View Vol. 20 (2024)
Published: 2024-04-02


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